Our team 
Desislava Uzunova has graduated in Bulgarian Philology at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ". She has a Master's degree in Literature from the same university. Currently she is a PhD student in "Theory of Literature" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ". Her main interests are in the fields of psychoanalysis and deconstruction. In 2015-2017 she led seminar classes on "Theory of Literature" to bachelors at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ".
In recent years she has been preparing pupils for the Matriculation in Bulgarian Language and Literature after the 7th grade and the State matriculation exams after the 12th grade. "My work with children in Reachout is more than a challenge which for me is to make them think differently about the world of literature. Our activities began with contemplative reading of short fiction texts and looking at the different types of contextual meaning they have. The main idea of these activities is to improve the children’s way of expression, to expand their vocabulary and, most importantly, through the analysis of a specific piece of art to broaden their horizons and stimulate their imagination by seeing different worlds and cultures. Of course, there are many barriers to us that are mostly related to low literacy (linguistic and contextual) and the lack of socio-cultural competence of many students. Nevertheless, I believe that with consistency and hard work, we can reach a decent minimum of the set goal, and we could even think of an even more ambitious (at this moment) one – to write texts in different genres, a skill that is extremely important to learn and develop."
Rossica Savova has a BA Degree in Special pedagogy, focusing on children with intellectual deficiencies in Sofia’s St Kliment Ohridski university. She obtained a masters degree in speech therapy at the same university in 2009. She has specialised in Diagnostics and prevention of speech therapy difficulties and has a certificate in special tests for phonics. She is currently working on the adaptation of the alternative communication system “Makaton” for Bulgaria.
Since 2007 she is a speclist in the Centre for social rehabilitation and social integration of persons with autistic problems in Sofia. She joined ROBG as a speech therapist in 2012. Her professional interest are focused on speech therapy with children, adolescents and adults.
Vania Nikolova has a degree in clinical psychology from Sofia University. She has worked with children and women who have been victims of violence, and also worked in a special group in a kindergarten. Presently she works as a psychologist in a centre specialising in children and adolescents.
She has 9 years of experience in the field and is currently working towards a diploma in psychodrama therapy. She joined Reachout.BG in 2012. A particular area of interest for her is emotional development in children and adolescent, focusing on their learning abilities.